Showing posts with label School Groups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School Groups. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Did ya miss me?

I bet you've wondered where I've been for the past few months. Were you worried? Really?

Well, I've had a busy summer full of kid-schlepping, pool loafing, and family-reunion-90th-birthday-party-organizing.  I'm still in recovery. And I'm trying to decide which did me in:

Whitefish salad bedecked with pics of Mom Thru the Years.
Was it the family reunion/party organizing, complete with superb decorations? (See incredibly gorgeous dish to the left. Jewish soul food at it's best.)

Was it the week I drove my eldest child to and from a camp over an hour away? (If you, dear reader, ever consider sending your child to a DAY camp in another state other than the one in which you live, please come speak to me first.)

Was it the housing of relatives from far off countries, all hungry at different hours?

NO! I say, it was not all these things that done me in (to quote Eliza Doolittle) but the organizing of a business that is keeping me up at night. But all for good cause because I come to you to announce that Picasso's Basement Art Club for Curious Kids is now officially (insert drum roll here) 
That's right! No more slinking about the cellars of Fanwood. I will now be above ground and charging normal rates. (Sorry!) 

Picasso's Basement LLC is now officially available for:

  • Art Parties for kids, tweens, teens and adults
  • Town Parks and Recreation Departments
  • Schools
  • Homeschooling groups
  • Scout and Girl scout activities
  • Seniors groups
I'll be revealing my new website shortly. But in the meantime I'll continue to blog about the wonderful kids I get to work with on a daily basis.  

If you are in the area please check out Picasso's Basement classes starting in just a few days. I'll be teaching MAKE YOUR OWN COMIC BOOKS for 1-3rd and 4-6th  graders and ART THAT'S ECO SMART for the same age groups.
I'll also be announcing a preschool class running one afternoon a week.

Thanks to all my readers and friends for their support and encouragement. Special thanks to Trish Comperchio, designer to the stars and Lyuda Laurentyeva , fellow illustrator and killer web designer. And to my wonderful hubby who has done more than his share of dishes while I went to business meetings.
Don't worry, Paul, I promise the grilled cheese dinners will end soon.