Wednesday, November 28, 2012

MORE Face Jugs!

Before painting
In a previous post I shared our Face Jug project made from recycled jars and clay. The artists worked really hard on them. They were so incredibly varied and whimsical. Some were a little crazy looking, which is pretty appropriate considering how insane traditional face jugs can be.
 Here's a few more to share with you all. 

Face Jugswaiting for their glaze to dry.
Add caption

Still to be painted.
Whiskers were made from
paper clips. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Comic Book Class 101

I've been teaching Comic Book Class through our Town Recreation Department. Those of you who know me may be surprised. Although I am an illustrator (see? I even have a WEBSITE!) I have never been a comic book artist. I do, however, love comic books. My love started back in the 1980's when I'd snarf up copies of RAW Magazine, a compilation of alternative comics compiled by Art Spiegelman of MAUS fame. I became a huge fan of graphic novels but it wasn't until I had my boys that I began to appreciate more traditional comic books.
Sketching out some ideas

Now, of course, my 9 year old and I are regulars at the local comic book store. After about a billion visits to the store I found myself reading up on how comic books are made, a little about the history, and a lot about the art. And I saw my son start to create his own comic books. I tried to guide him a little on how to put together the story, how to use lettering creatively, how to include action and details, how to work with pacing and planning, later on how to ink and color. Suddenly I had the structure of a class. 

It's a class that is a pure joy to teach. The kids come in excited, ready to work, enthusiastic to share. We do exercises in story crafting, layout, sketching, figure drawing, adding expression and much more. Each artist
creates a book that I send out for printing. 

Here's a sample of some of the wonderful work created by the Picasso's Basement Comic Book artists.
This group is entirely made up of 2nd-to-4th graders!

 I'm fortunate to know some amazing artists who have come to share their work with our class.

Marvel Comic Book Artist Bob Budiansky visits and wows the class!

An animated group after an activity that focused on details in our stories!
I can't wait to share more of their work with you!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Face Jugs and a Hurricane

Last night I dreamt that a nasty hurricane hit the East Coast, knocking out power, taking down wires, leaving people cold and cranky and bored and hungry. And then I woke up and remembered that it all was real. Such a crazy time and this Thanksgiving I had to be thankful that the worst that happened to my family was losing heat and power and having our schools closed. We were cold and bored but we had friends that lost property, faced terrible cleanups, were left temporarily homeless. Many people lost their homes, their cars, and were left in terrifying situations. I'm truly grateful that my family remained together, safe and secure.  I'm also grateful for the workers at the utility companies, the townships, and the volunteers that are still working trying to help get everyone back in their home

Last week my kids finally returned to a full week of school. And as I clean out my studio and straightened up my supplies (which, being in the basement, all ended up on top of my work tables to protect them from any possible flooding) I've found many projects that I should share.

I always like to break up my posts so I'll share one with you all here and post more later. 

So let's talk about FACE JUGS.

Jugs and urns with faces on them can be found in many cultures going all the way back to the ancient Greeks and the Egyptians. They were often crafted by African American slaves in America and there's speculation that they were used almost as a burial memorial because slaves were not allowed proper funeral markers. They later became a common American folk art. They are often grotesque or goofy and sometimes feature human teeth!

The Picasso's Basement artists looked at many pictures of the jugs. They each chose a recycled glass jar or bottle to work with and a big ol' hunk of Prang Das Modeling Clay which is  a little pricey but excellent because it doesn't crack and crumble like most air-dry clay. (Just see my Terra Cotta Warrior post to see what disasters await when you use the wrong clay.)

Zombie Pig Pencil Holder Face Jug/Front
They painted them with acrylic paint and later glazed them with Modge Podge.
Zombie Pig Pencil Holder Face Jug with 2 tails/Back

I always encourage the Artists to just go to town with their imaginations. I think you will see that they certainly did! I'll feature some more of them on my next post. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Did ya miss me?

I bet you've wondered where I've been for the past few months. Were you worried? Really?

Well, I've had a busy summer full of kid-schlepping, pool loafing, and family-reunion-90th-birthday-party-organizing.  I'm still in recovery. And I'm trying to decide which did me in:

Whitefish salad bedecked with pics of Mom Thru the Years.
Was it the family reunion/party organizing, complete with superb decorations? (See incredibly gorgeous dish to the left. Jewish soul food at it's best.)

Was it the week I drove my eldest child to and from a camp over an hour away? (If you, dear reader, ever consider sending your child to a DAY camp in another state other than the one in which you live, please come speak to me first.)

Was it the housing of relatives from far off countries, all hungry at different hours?

NO! I say, it was not all these things that done me in (to quote Eliza Doolittle) but the organizing of a business that is keeping me up at night. But all for good cause because I come to you to announce that Picasso's Basement Art Club for Curious Kids is now officially (insert drum roll here) 
That's right! No more slinking about the cellars of Fanwood. I will now be above ground and charging normal rates. (Sorry!) 

Picasso's Basement LLC is now officially available for:

  • Art Parties for kids, tweens, teens and adults
  • Town Parks and Recreation Departments
  • Schools
  • Homeschooling groups
  • Scout and Girl scout activities
  • Seniors groups
I'll be revealing my new website shortly. But in the meantime I'll continue to blog about the wonderful kids I get to work with on a daily basis.  

If you are in the area please check out Picasso's Basement classes starting in just a few days. I'll be teaching MAKE YOUR OWN COMIC BOOKS for 1-3rd and 4-6th  graders and ART THAT'S ECO SMART for the same age groups.
I'll also be announcing a preschool class running one afternoon a week.

Thanks to all my readers and friends for their support and encouragement. Special thanks to Trish Comperchio, designer to the stars and Lyuda Laurentyeva , fellow illustrator and killer web designer. And to my wonderful hubby who has done more than his share of dishes while I went to business meetings.
Don't worry, Paul, I promise the grilled cheese dinners will end soon.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

...the Bronx Is Up and the Battery's Down...the people ride in a hole in the ground....

I'm looking forward to representing Picasso's Basement at the upcoming Fanwood Green Fair on June 26th and that got me to thinking about the wonderful projects the kids have done with recycled items. I always save and reuse what I can, from cereal boxes to yogurt cups to bottles.

Months ago I told you about our  Upcycled New York City. Well here it is! I still have to poke the holes in the background and add the strand of lights so it will look like night stars. But I figured I'd better get this posted before another 2 months pass!

Watch Out! King Kong is on the loose!

St. Patrick's Cathedral
Lincoln Center complete with taxis
Chrysler Building with Empire State Building in the background

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Riddle me this, Batman!

I got one for you.

Q: What does a vinyl Thompson Twins album, a Barbie doll shoe and an egg carton have in common?

Give up?
A: I can use them ALL as art supplies!`

I have many generous friends who have literally kept Picasso's Basement going by supplying me with their refuse. Several parents of Picasso's Basement students recently asked what else the art room could use. My list is long and everchanging but I've done my best to put together a current list. If you have anything listed that you'd like to contribute or you have something new (or old) and exciting that you think you'd like to pan off on me donate, please drop me a line!

  1. Clear square CD Cases. Really. With or without enclosed CD
  2. Egg Cartons (Plastic for great paint trays, styrofoam/cardboard are saved for crafts)
  3. Bubble Wrap (the small bubbles, not the big ones)
  4. Rounded small Applesauce/Fruit containers 
  5. Extra craft supplies you're getting rid of! (Wait! Why would you get rid of it?! Well, IF...)
  6. Old maps
  7. Buttons
  8. Pencils 
  9. Erasers
  10. Wooden frames
  11. Plywood Scraps (big enough to cut into small signs with a jigsaw)
  12. Printer paper
  13. Vinyl albums and singles (do you remember these?)
  14. Bottle caps. (Yes. Still.)
  15. Laundry detergent bottles, preferably brightly colored ones
  16. *Teeny tiny toy pieces (Gumball machine items, Polly Pocket dolls and accessories. Letter blocks etc.)
  17. Old magazines for cutting up.
  18. Things with weird textures. (I know. It's vague. Use your imagination. Have a strip of mesh food baggies? It's fantastic for printmaking!)
  19. Art books
  20. Art posters
  21. Lampshades
If you want to know what the teeny toy pieces are good for take a look at this fabulous piece created by one of my Middle School students:

Assemblage ala Louise Nevelson

And if I haven't said it enough, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU  to all of those whose generous contributions have kept my art program going! 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Diamond Jubilee Crowns Fit for a Queen!

It's true. I have a little thing about England. 
It could be that it is because they have such great accents. 
It could be that it is because they drive on the wrong side of the road and eat marmite and say "vitamin" and "aluminum" in such silly ways. 
So it was with great excitement that the PreK kids arrived in time to help me celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

"What do you need to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee" you ask?
That's right. Buckets. 
Here's the whole list to make the most royal crowns ever!
  1.  One Bucket per artist
  2. Paper and Crayons (we used only reds and blues)
  3. White paper cut in strips long enough to fit around the bucket
  4. Red and blue and white Bottle Caps or buttons or something to be the "jewels"
  5. Glittery Pipe Cleaners (I used silver)
  6. Glue and hot glue
  7. White tape
  8. Red felt (or some royal color of choice)
  9. Newspapers for stuffing
  10. Optional glittery garlands

Make sure buckets are empty and clean. Flip em over so the open part is on the table. 
Glue some clumped up newspaper on top--this is only for stuffing so no need to be picky. 
Top with large rounded cut piece of felt. Glue the bottom edge of the felt to the bucket with glue dots or hot glue. 
Have kids draw Royal Patterns on the paper with different reds and blues. (This is a GREAT time to talk to younger kids about there being many tints and shades of any color.) Glue or tape that paper around the bottom of the bucket so it covers the bottom of the felt. 
Wrap a circle of pipe cleaner around the upper portion of the crown and attach other pipe cleaners so they can be wrapped around the top.
Glue on Bottle Cap jewels and festive garlands and any doodads you think will make it look royal.

 We decorated tea cups with paint markers too because where would the Queen be without her tea? 
But no need to show them for they were a mere afterthought. 
It's all about the crowns!