Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Make Your Own Comic Book Class!

After drawing our figures to show volume the artists strike a pose.
Here's what I've learned about teaching comic book classes. Kids who like comic books are not just your usual run-of-the-mill kids. First of all they like to read. They are smart. And I mean SMART.

Exaggerating expressions. A little too much?
They also tend to be FUNNY. Some of them are outwardly funny. Some are quiet and you don't even know how funny or clever they are until they start writing. As a teacher that's part of the fun. It's a fantastic surprise to find out what stories they have in their heads.
The proper use of a speech bubble

 I love teaching all my classes but I have to say I laugh A LOT in comic book class. The kids seem to have boundless energy and an incredible amount of energy for discussing comic books.
Look frustrated!

But they never stop surprising me. For one thing, they don't just draw comic books. They tend to be gifted artists with a wide range of skills.

                                       And in the end they produce these amazing books!

These are just a few of the books that have been printed in our class. 

More have just gone to the printer!
Stay tuned, dear readers,  to see what new printed comic books will be coming your way!

And to think...the next session of MAKE YOUR OWN COMIC BOOK CLASS starts next week!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Masks! Masks! Masks!

In my YOUNG AT ART class we read Elmer the Elephant and made elephant masks. 
Silly teacher that I am, I pre-cut the masks out for the kids and had them color them in. 
They did a nice job. 
But you know when the really shined? When I showed them how to cut eyes out themselves! I gave them a ton of round cardstock, a bunch of kid-friendly scissors, and some oil pastels. And they went MASK CRAZY!

Monday, March 11, 2013

CAT Mummies?

Yep, that's right. Cat mummies. 

In Picasso's Basement PASSPORT TO ART class the students learned about Cat Mummies. Apparently ancient Egyptians loved their cats so much that the term "you can't take it with you" did not at all apply to them. 
Giraffe mummy

We made our animal mummies out of paper towel rolls. The Artists covered them with gold wrapping paper and drew on them with marker. Fastest mummification ever!

But, wait! There's more!
We also took a look at Egyptian scrolls and statues and studied the gorgeous headresses. A little upcycled cardboard, some eye holes, and a lot of metallic markers and the Artists had some amazing headresses!

Excellent work, world travelers!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Picasso's Basement Summer Camps!

Announcing (TA-DA!) the first Picasso's Basement Summer camps brought to you by the good folks at Fanwood Recreation! Both camps will be held at Forest Road Park in Fanwood, NJ.

July 22-26, 9 AM-12 Noon   
Ages 8-12
$160  (includes all art supplies and materials, and 2 printed copies of your comic book!)

Become a real comic book writer and artist! Learn everything there is to know about putting together your own comic book! Picasso’s Basement’s successful and fun comic book program works with young artists on their drawing skills, teaches them how the pros ink their work, and shows them what elements to use to make their books exciting. At the end of the camp, your book will be sent out to be printed into 2 copies of a real comic book! 
Every day at the Make Your Own Comic Book Camp features activities and exercises that are not only fun but also help kids master the skills of comic book creation!       

Bring a snack and drink with you!

August 19-23, 9AM-12 Noon                                                           
Ages 5-10
$160 (includes all art supplies and materials)

ART IN THE PARK CAMP lets kids create awesome, unique projects within a fun and friendly environment! Different techniques and mediums will be explored in exciting ways! Children will work with paints, pen and ink, printmaking, sculpture, mask-making, and much more.

Daily fun themes provides a framework for that day’s art projects, activities and games:       
  • ROYAL ART DAY:  Make coats of arms and 3D castles, and battle the invisible knight. 
  • PIRATE DAY: Create maps, sculpt parrots, and race towards a treasure!
  • Other themes include OUTER SPACE, CITIES, and BY THE SEA.

Bring a snack and drink with you and DRESS FOR MESS!


Saturday, March 9, 2013


One of the many beautiful
birdhouses created by the Young At Art Artists
I am really a big fan of Spring. It's a great season. It looks good, it feels good, it smells good. Plus it ushers in the start of the best time of year of all: Garage Sale Season. (I'll admit it. I'm an addict.)

I start getting excited about Spring pretty early on. Probably around November I'm already thinking about garden gnomes and wondering which of my garden flowers will get confused and push to the surface first. (This year the daffodils won--one fluke of a warm day and they were half-way up by mid-February.)

In Picasso's Basement's YOUNG AT ART CLASS (for 4-5 year olds) we are already getting ready! The young Artists took recycled cereal boxes and painted bird houses on them. I helped them holes in the front for the bird entrance. We glued the paintings to cigar boxes that had the lids removed. The Artists painted corks and drew in eyes and beaks to create birds and then glued them to popsicle sticks perches that we attached. They were so excited by their creations that they continued painting beautiful Spring scenes!

Anyhow, this is just a quick post to say HAPPY PRE-SPRING!  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fun Event for Kids During Spring Break!


Hosted by Little Scoops of Cranford and featuring Picasso's Basement crafts, there will be egg decorating, hat making, a scavenger hunt, dance party and of course....ICE CREAM!
You must prepay and preregister.  Please go to http.//scavengerfriday.eventbrite.com/